
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

New Erasmus+ project proposal (KA1 2015 - vocational studies) Abstract

IES Joan Ramis i Ramis is located on the island of Menorca and it offers two vocational studies in Computing (Intermediate and Higher Level). We are convinced that the exchange of students allows the improvement of their technical and language skills, as well as their personal growth. Besides, it provides new experiences and the knowledge of the European cultural diversity to our students. As a receiving center of foreign students, all our students have the opportunity to meet young European people that share their same interests. The foreign students we receive will have a tutor from our institution and the possibility to live in a quiet island, with a natural and scenic environment to discover, while they carry out a practical training in a local company.

Our institution has some experience in student exchanging and we are developing an Erasmus+ project right now. One of our students is spending 6 months in Hamburg and the visit of a German expert in Professional development of web pages is scheduled for the next term. In the past, we have sent students to Portugal, Italy and Finland.

In the current project we intend to send two “Technician in Microcomputer Systems and Networks” students to Finland and the UK. We have another partner in Italy, in case the level of English of our students is not enough. Our students are selected by mastering their technical knowledge, a good English language level to do their traineeships and being young, mature and enthusiastic people. We are also willing to receive two practical students from our partners. They could do a traineeship in a local company with our supervision.

Our center has a quality system integrated in GoogleDrive. The Mobility Commission has managed for the last 5 years the European practicals of our students, the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education, and the new Erasmus+ projects.  All is done in a transparent way and is published in our Mobility Blogs:
  http://ramisinternacional.blogspot.com.es/ (Blog for our students
  http://ramisinternational.blogspot.com.es/ (Blog to get exposed to international access)

The expected result is the awareness of students that it is realistic to do a practical training abroad or even work in another European country. These are very enriching experiences, both personal and professionally. We have already some experience as we have an ex-student working in London that encourages our current students to follow his steps. We also expect to improve the average linguistic knowledge, especially in English.

Our goal is realistic: to have more students interested in the following years in participating in European projects. In this way, the impact will grow, and when our students start their professional career, they  will be able to transmit their experiences to the companies they will work for.
In the long term and also thanks to other High School programmes, as the European Sections (teaching non linguistic subjects in English, in secondary education) we expect to have students with better language skills and more prepared to be updated in the last ICT technologies.

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